Sanskriti All Contest Rules for Onstage & Offstage Contests


Contests Rules

ON-STAGE Contests
 Competition Theme Time Limit Things To Bring Remarks

Fancy Dress Contest

  • Group 0: Below 5 yrs
  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs

Indian traditional
dresses from
different regions of

1 min Required Props


Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical 7 min (6 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Lite Music (Bhajans/Devotional songs) 5 min (4 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying


  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props and audio
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Folk Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props;
audio file
(submitted by Jan
20th , 2025)
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Instrument Playing Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical/ Bhajans 3 min Respective
  • Any musical instrument like veena, sitar, tabla, violin etc.

Shloka Recitation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Sanskrit Shlokas or verses from Hindu Scriptures 3 min Bring 3 printed
copies of the
shloka/verse that
you are going to
perform in the
time limit
  • Please upload the shlokas/verse (.pdf file) via Google drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The PDF file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Yoga Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Yogasan/Pranayams 3 min Bring your own Yoga Mat
  • If you want background music to be played, please upload the audio file .MP3 format on Google drive and share the link via email [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formattedas: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Impromptu Speech

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  1-2 min  
  • An impromptu speech topic will be provided on the spot.
  • All contestants shall receive the same topic, which shall be of a general nature, and shall speak for a maximum of two minutes.
  • The topic shall be of reasonable length, shall not require a detailed knowledge and should lead to an opinion or conclusion.
  • When the contest begins, all contestants except the first shall leave the room.
  • After their participation, they shall sit in the room until the contest is over.

Speech Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My
Favorite Vacation

Group 2: If I had
One Superpower

Group 3: The Place
That Inspires Me the

Group 4: The Impact
of Technology on

2-4 min NA NA

Presentation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:Caring is Sharing

Group 2: Smile goes a Mile

Group 3:  Balance in Life 

Group 4: The Power
of Growth Mindset

3-4 min Powerpoint presentation with maximum 12 slides or a Poster board (font big enough for judges to view from distance)
  • Please email a presentation (.ppt file) with less than 12 slides to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as:
  • Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Poster Making Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 45 min to
make the
2-3 min to
Poster board
Poster making
pencil, glue,
papers, etc.
  • All contestants will get 45 mins to create the poster with the materials they brought.
  • They will present the poster in front of the audience & judges.
OFF-STAGE Contests

Coloring Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  30 mins coloring material (paint/color pencils/crayons etc.)
  • Pictures will be provided to color

Drawing/Painting Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:
One Earth One
Group 2:
Health is Wealth
Group 3: My
Dream World
Group 4: Balance in

75 mins pencil, sharpener, eraser, coloring material (water colors, acrylic paints/color pencils/crayons etc.), paint brushes etc.
  • Sheet to draw and paint will be provided

Chalk Art Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Spirit of Life

60 mins Washable Sidewalk Chalk (different colors), rag (to erase) etc.
  • ~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the art (If weather is not conducive then a black construction paper will be provided)

Rangoli Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 60 mins All necessary
supplies for
creating the
Rangoli (all
material should
be washable:
rice powder,
flowers, etc.),
rag (to erase)
~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the rangoli (If weather is not conducive then a poster board will be provided)

Sanskriti Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My Best Friend Krishna, Festivals of India

Group 2: Ramayan, Indian Symbols

Group 3: Mahabharat, Dances of India

Group 4: Essence of Hinduism, Saints of India

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Math Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: Addition & Subtraction

Group 2: Multiplication & Division

Group 3: Fraction & Decimals

Group 4: Algebra & Probability

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

IQ Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Sudoku Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Sudoku Sheet will be provided

Chess Quiz Contest

  • Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.
  • Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs

Carrom Contest

Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.

Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs



  • Carrom Set will be provided.

Carrom Rules and Regulations 


ON-STAGE Contests
 Competition Theme Time Limit Things To Bring Remarks

Fancy Dress Contest

  • Group 0: Below 5 yrs
  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs

Indian traditional
dresses from
different regions of

1 min Required Props


Contests Rules

ON-STAGE Contests
 Competition Theme Time Limit Things To Bring Remarks

Fancy Dress Contest

  • Group 0: Below 5 yrs
  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs

Indian traditional
dresses from
different regions of

1 min Required Props


Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical 7 min (6 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Lite Music (Bhajans/Devotional songs) 5 min (4 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying


  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props and audio
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Folk Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props;
audio file
(submitted by Jan
20th , 2025)
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Shloka Recitation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Sanskrit Shlokas or verses from Hindu Scriptures 3 min Bring 3 printed
copies of the
shloka/verse that
you are going to
perform in the
time limit
  • Please upload the shlokas/verse (.pdf file) via Google drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The PDF file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Yoga Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Yogasan/Pranayams 3 min Bring your own Yoga Mat
  • If you want background music to be played, please upload the audio file .MP3 format on Google drive and share the link via email [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formattedas: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Speech Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My
Favorite Vacation

Group 2: If I had
One Superpower

Group 3: The Place
That Inspires Me the

Group 4: The Impact
of Technology on

2-4 min NA NA

Presentation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:Caring is Sharing

Group 2: Smile goes a Mile

Group 3:  Balance in Life 

Group 4: The Power
of Growth Mindset

3-4 min Powerpoint presentation with maximum 12 slides or a Poster board (font big enough for judges to view from distance)
  • Please email a presentation (.ppt file) with less than 12 slides to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as:
  • Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Poster Making Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 45 min to
make the
2-3 min to
Poster board
Poster making
pencil, glue,
papers, etc.
  • All contestants will get 45 mins to create the poster with the materials they brought.
  • They will present the poster in front of the audience & judges.
OFF-STAGE Contests

Coloring Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  30 mins coloring material (paint/color pencils/crayons etc.)
  • Pictures will be provided to color

Drawing/Painting Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:
One Earth One
Group 2:
Health is Wealth
Group 3: My
Dream World
Group 4: Balance in

75 mins pencil, sharpener, eraser, coloring material (water colors, acrylic paints/color pencils/crayons etc.), paint brushes etc.
  • Sheet to draw and paint will be provided

Chalk Art Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Spirit of Life

60 mins Washable Sidewalk Chalk (different colors), rag (to erase) etc.
  • ~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the art (If weather is not conducive then a black construction paper will be provided)

Sanskriti Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My Best Friend Krishna, Festivals of India

Group 2: Ramayan, Indian Symbols

Group 3: Mahabharat, Dances of India

Group 4: Essence of Hinduism, Saints of India

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Math Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: Addition & Subtraction

Group 2: Multiplication & Division

Group 3: Fraction & Decimals

Group 4: Algebra & Probability

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

IQ Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Sudoku Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Sudoku Sheet will be provided

Chess Quiz Contest

  • Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.
  • Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs

Carrom Contest

Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.

Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs



  • Carrom Set will be provided.

Carrom Rules and Regulations 


Contests Rules

ON-STAGE Contests
 Competition Theme Time Limit Things To Bring Remarks

Fancy Dress Contest

  • Group 0: Below 5 yrs
  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs

Indian traditional
dresses from
different regions of

1 min Required Props


Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical 7 min (6 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Lite Music (Bhajans/Devotional songs) 5 min (4 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying


  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props and audio
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Folk Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props;
audio file
(submitted by Jan
20th , 2025)
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Instrument Playing Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical/ Bhajans 3 min Respective
  • Any musical instrument like veena, sitar, tabla, violin etc.

Shloka Recitation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Sanskrit Shlokas or verses from Hindu Scriptures 3 min Bring 3 printed
copies of the
shloka/verse that
you are going to
perform in the
time limit
  • Please upload the shlokas/verse (.pdf file) via Google drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The PDF file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Yoga Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Yogasan/Pranayams 3 min Bring your own Yoga Mat
  • If you want background music to be played, please upload the audio file .MP3 format on Google drive and share the link via email [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formattedas: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Impromptu Speech

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  1-2 min  
  • An impromptu speech topic will be provided on the spot.
  • All contestants shall receive the same topic, which shall be of a general nature, and shall speak for a maximum of two minutes.
  • The topic shall be of reasonable length, shall not require a detailed knowledge and should lead to an opinion or conclusion.
  • When the contest begins, all contestants except the first shall leave the room.
  • After their participation, they shall sit in the room until the contest is over.

Speech Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My
Favorite Vacation

Group 2: If I had
One Superpower

Group 3: The Place
That Inspires Me the

Group 4: The Impact
of Technology on

2-4 min NA NA

Presentation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:Caring is Sharing

Group 2: Smile goes a Mile

Group 3:  Balance in Life 

Group 4: The Power
of Growth Mindset

3-4 min Powerpoint presentation with maximum 12 slides or a Poster board (font big enough for judges to view from distance)
  • Please email a presentation (.ppt file) with less than 12 slides to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as:
  • Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Poster Making Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 45 min to
make the
2-3 min to
Poster board
Poster making
pencil, glue,
papers, etc.
  • All contestants will get 45 mins to create the poster with the materials they brought.
  • They will present the poster in front of the audience & judges.
OFF-STAGE Contests

Coloring Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  30 mins coloring material (paint/color pencils/crayons etc.)
  • Pictures will be provided to color

Drawing/Painting Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:
One Earth One
Group 2:
Health is Wealth
Group 3: My
Dream World
Group 4: Balance in

75 mins pencil, sharpener, eraser, coloring material (water colors, acrylic paints/color pencils/crayons etc.), paint brushes etc.
  • Sheet to draw and paint will be provided

Chalk Art Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Spirit of Life

60 mins Washable Sidewalk Chalk (different colors), rag (to erase) etc.
  • ~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the art (If weather is not conducive then a black construction paper will be provided)

Rangoli Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 60 mins All necessary
supplies for
creating the
Rangoli (all
material should
be washable:
rice powder,
flowers, etc.),
rag (to erase)
~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the rangoli (If weather is not conducive then a poster board will be provided)

Sanskriti Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My Best Friend Krishna, Festivals of India

Group 2: Ramayan, Indian Symbols

Group 3: Mahabharat, Dances of India

Group 4: Essence of Hinduism, Saints of India

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Math Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: Addition & Subtraction

Group 2: Multiplication & Division

Group 3: Fraction & Decimals

Group 4: Algebra & Probability

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

IQ Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Sudoku Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Sudoku Sheet will be provided

Chess Quiz Contest

  • Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.
  • Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs

Carrom Contest

Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.

Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs



  • Carrom Set will be provided.

Carrom Rules and Regulations 


Contests Rules

ON-STAGE Contests
 Competition Theme Time Limit Things To Bring Remarks

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical 7 min (6 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Lite Music (Bhajans/Devotional songs) 5 min (4 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying


  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props and audio
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Folk Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props;
audio file
(submitted by Jan
20th , 2025)
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Instrument Playing Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical/ Bhajans 3 min Respective
  • Any musical instrument like veena, sitar, tabla, violin etc.

Shloka Recitation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Sanskrit Shlokas or verses from Hindu Scriptures 3 min Bring 3 printed
copies of the
shloka/verse that
you are going to
perform in the
time limit
  • Please upload the shlokas/verse (.pdf file) via Google drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The PDF file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Yoga Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Yogasan/Pranayams 3 min Bring your own Yoga Mat
  • If you want background music to be played, please upload the audio file .MP3 format on Google drive and share the link via email [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formattedas: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Impromptu Speech

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  1-2 min  
  • An impromptu speech topic will be provided on the spot.
  • All contestants shall receive the same topic, which shall be of a general nature, and shall speak for a maximum of two minutes.
  • The topic shall be of reasonable length, shall not require a detailed knowledge and should lead to an opinion or conclusion.
  • When the contest begins, all contestants except the first shall leave the room.
  • After their participation, they shall sit in the room until the contest is over.

Speech Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My
Favorite Vacation

Group 2: If I had
One Superpower

Group 3: The Place
That Inspires Me the

Group 4: The Impact
of Technology on

2-4 min NA NA

Presentation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:Caring is Sharing

Group 2: Smile goes a Mile

Group 3:  Balance in Life 

Group 4: The Power
of Growth Mindset

3-4 min Powerpoint presentation with maximum 12 slides or a Poster board (font big enough for judges to view from distance)
  • Please email a presentation (.ppt file) with less than 12 slides to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as:
  • Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Poster Making Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 45 min to
make the
2-3 min to
Poster board
Poster making
pencil, glue,
papers, etc.
  • All contestants will get 45 mins to create the poster with the materials they brought.
  • They will present the poster in front of the audience & judges.
OFF-STAGE Contests

Coloring Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  30 mins coloring material (paint/color pencils/crayons etc.)
  • Pictures will be provided to color

Drawing/Painting Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:
One Earth One
Group 2:
Health is Wealth
Group 3: My
Dream World
Group 4: Balance in

75 mins pencil, sharpener, eraser, coloring material (water colors, acrylic paints/color pencils/crayons etc.), paint brushes etc.
  • Sheet to draw and paint will be provided

Chalk Art Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Spirit of Life

60 mins Washable Sidewalk Chalk (different colors), rag (to erase) etc.
  • ~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the art (If weather is not conducive then a black construction paper will be provided)

Rangoli Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 60 mins All necessary
supplies for
creating the
Rangoli (all
material should
be washable:
rice powder,
flowers, etc.),
rag (to erase)
~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the rangoli (If weather is not conducive then a poster board will be provided)

Sanskriti Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My Best Friend Krishna, Festivals of India

Group 2: Ramayan, Indian Symbols

Group 3: Mahabharat, Dances of India

Group 4: Essence of Hinduism, Saints of India

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Math Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: Addition & Subtraction

Group 2: Multiplication & Division

Group 3: Fraction & Decimals

Group 4: Algebra & Probability

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

IQ Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Sudoku Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Sudoku Sheet will be provided

Chess Quiz Contest

  • Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.
  • Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs

Carrom Contest

Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.

Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs



  • Carrom Set will be provided.

Carrom Rules and Regulations 


Contests Rules

ON-STAGE Contests
 Competition Theme Time Limit Things To Bring Remarks

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical 7 min (6 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Singing Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Lite Music (Bhajans/Devotional songs) 5 min (4 mins
singing & 1
min: set up &
tear down)
Shruthi Box or
Karaoke, if
No accompanying


  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props and audio
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Dance Contest - Solo/Group 

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Folk Solo: 4 min Group: 5 min Required Props;
audio file
(submitted by Jan
20th , 2025)
  • If you want any music to be played, please upload the audio file in .MP3 format on Google Drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Any other formats will be disqualified.
  • Last day of submission is January 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.
  • No late entries will be considered for the contest.
  • Group category is determined by the eldest kid's age in the group.

Instrument Playing Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Classical/ Bhajans 3 min Respective
  • Any musical instrument like veena, sitar, tabla, violin etc.

Shloka Recitation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Sanskrit Shlokas or verses from Hindu Scriptures 3 min Bring 3 printed
copies of the
shloka/verse that
you are going to
perform in the
time limit
  • Please upload the shlokas/verse (.pdf file) via Google drive and share the link via email to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The PDF file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Yoga Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Any Yogasan/Pranayams 3 min Bring your own Yoga Mat
  • If you want background music to be played, please upload the audio file .MP3 format on Google drive and share the link via email [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The audio file name and the subject of the email should be formattedas: Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Impromptu Speech

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  1-2 min  
  • An impromptu speech topic will be provided on the spot.
  • All contestants shall receive the same topic, which shall be of a general nature, and shall speak for a maximum of two minutes.
  • The topic shall be of reasonable length, shall not require a detailed knowledge and should lead to an opinion or conclusion.
  • When the contest begins, all contestants except the first shall leave the room.
  • After their participation, they shall sit in the room until the contest is over.

Speech Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My
Favorite Vacation

Group 2: If I had
One Superpower

Group 3: The Place
That Inspires Me the

Group 4: The Impact
of Technology on

2-4 min NA NA

Presentation Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:Caring is Sharing

Group 2: Smile goes a Mile

Group 3:  Balance in Life 

Group 4: The Power
of Growth Mindset

3-4 min Powerpoint presentation with maximum 12 slides or a Poster board (font big enough for judges to view from distance)
  • Please email a presentation (.ppt file) with less than 12 slides to [email protected].
  • Last day of submission is January 20th , 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT.
  • The file name and the subject of the email should be formatted as:
  • Participant Full Name-Contest Name-Group Name.
  • Ensure access is provided to anyone with the link to access the file.

Poster Making Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 45 min to
make the
2-3 min to
Poster board
Poster making
pencil, glue,
papers, etc.
  • All contestants will get 45 mins to create the poster with the materials they brought.
  • They will present the poster in front of the audience & judges.
OFF-STAGE Contests

Coloring Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  30 mins coloring material (paint/color pencils/crayons etc.)
  • Pictures will be provided to color

Drawing/Painting Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1:
One Earth One
Group 2:
Health is Wealth
Group 3: My
Dream World
Group 4: Balance in

75 mins pencil, sharpener, eraser, coloring material (water colors, acrylic paints/color pencils/crayons etc.), paint brushes etc.
  • Sheet to draw and paint will be provided

Chalk Art Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Spirit of Life

60 mins Washable Sidewalk Chalk (different colors), rag (to erase) etc.
  • ~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the art (If weather is not conducive then a black construction paper will be provided)

Rangoli Contest

  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
Spirit of Life 60 mins All necessary
supplies for
creating the
Rangoli (all
material should
be washable:
rice powder,
flowers, etc.),
rag (to erase)
~ 18 x 18 inches sidewalk to create the rangoli (If weather is not conducive then a poster board will be provided)

Sanskriti Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: My Best Friend Krishna, Festivals of India

Group 2: Ramayan, Indian Symbols

Group 3: Mahabharat, Dances of India

Group 4: Essence of Hinduism, Saints of India

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Math Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs

Group 1: Addition & Subtraction

Group 2: Multiplication & Division

Group 3: Fraction & Decimals

Group 4: Algebra & Probability

20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

IQ Quiz Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Worksheet will be provided

Sudoku Contest

  • Group 1: 5-7 yrs.
  • Group 2: 8-10 yrs.
  • Group 3: 11-14 yrs
  • Group 4: 15-18 yrs
  20 mins Pencil, sharpener, Eraser
  • Sudoku Sheet will be provided

Chess Quiz Contest

  • Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.
  • Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs

Carrom Contest

Group 1 & 2: 5-10 yrs.

Group 3 & 4: 11-18 yrs



  • Carrom Set will be provided.

Carrom Rules and Regulations 


Chess Rules & Regulations

  • Tournament Format:
    • Type: Swiss
    • # Of Rounds: 5 rounds
    • Time Format: G10|2|2
    • Sections: There are two sections (based on age).
      • Group 1: Age between 5 to 10
      • Group 2: Age between 11 to 18
    • Writing Notations is voluntary.
  • First round of pairings will be determined based on the player’s rating (if applicable). All subsequent round pairings are decided based on the standings.
  • Game Result:
    • Win: 1 point
    • Draw: 0.5 point
    • Loss: 0 point
  • Touch & Move Rule will be observed;
    • If you touch a piece, you HAVE to move a piece to any legal square.
    • If the piece you touched can NOT move anywhere, then you can move any other piece and take 2 mins penalty.
    • Your move is completed once clock is pressed.
    • When castling, use only one hand and move your king first. Otherwise, your opponent MAY ask you to move ONLY the rook, if you touch your rook first, and then king, to complete castling.
  • Each player must press the clock with the same hand that moves the pieces, use one hand to both to move the pieces and to press the clock. First violation will be a warning and second violation will result in loss of 2 min Penalty. TD and/ or TD Assistants can only assign this penalty.
  • An attack on King MUST be announced (Announce ‘Check’ in soft voice).  An unannounced check that your opponent does not handle will NOT result in an illegal move.
  • Illegal move: if you make an illegal move, penalty of 2 mins shall apply. Some examples of illegal move:
    • Moving another piece while King is in check
    • Moving a piece result in check
    • Moving a piece to a square it cannot move
  • If a player touches one piece, then moves another piece; and presses the clock, the opponent may press the player’s clock to force the player to move the piece he/ she touched.
  • Chess sets and clocks will be available
  • Maintain Silence: If you are found talking, you may be given a warning. If you have been caught talking again, you may receive 2 min penalty from TD. Multiple violations on this may result in loss of round/ removed from the tournament.



  • The decision of the tournament director (TD) is final. Tournament officials may seek guidance or advice from other tournament officials.
  • Players are not required to write down their moves.
  • Players are responsible to be ready to play at the beginning of a round and are expected to be within a reasonable range of the playing area and pay attention for when their group is called to play.
  • Players who are not present at the start of around may have their chess clocks started.
  • If a player has any questions concerning the rules, they may raise their hand and talk to a tournament official. In case of any dispute or claim, stop the clocks and summon a tournament official.
  • Only the two players in a game may make claims concerning their game. For example, players may not call touch move or indicate that time has expired in someone else’s game. One exception to this rule is that tournament officials may point out illegal moves, but only when both players have at least 2 minutes remaining.
  • It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any way whatsoever. This includes talking and repeatedly offering a draw.
  • Spectators: Limited count Spectators will be allowed viewing of the game(s), however, in case of there is a huge crowd gathering around specific areas, then TD might ask you to move elsewhere or leave the tournament room.
  • It is forbidden for players to have cell phones, or other electronic communication, computer, or media devices in the playing area (even if turned off). Spectators will have their electronic devices on silent.
  • Good sportsmanship is expected of all players and will make the event a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Shaking hands with your opponent before and after a game is customary.


Carrom Rules & Regulations

  1. To decide who goes first, we do a TOSS at start of EACH game.
  2. Each game is limited to 10 mins, AFTER 10 mins (total) are up, the result will be decided based on position.
  3. If position is tie after 10 mins, then there will be additional time of 3 mins to decide the winner. After the additional time, if there is still a tie, then each player will be given 5 shots to pocket similar positions (similar to penalty shoot-out in soccer)
  4. Striking:
    • position within the baseline and must touch BOTH the front and rear line
    • A Striker cannot cut the RED moon at both ends
    • Player must flick the striker with ONE finger so it crosses the FRONT baseline. It is NOT permitted to flick backwards or fully horizontal (as long as there is some FORWARD angle so that the striker crosses FRONT baseline, it is a LEGAL strike)
    • In striking, players hand or arm must not cross the diagonal four lines at the either end of the baseline
    • Your hand should NOT touch and move any other pieces or a bounced back stricker. (Hint: take your hands off the board right after striking to avoid this)
  5. Points System:
    • For each White or Black piece (depending on if you were striker or not) pocketed, you get ONE point
    • Covering the queen is required until you get 5 points. Once you have 5 points, COVER for the Queen is NOT required.
    •  For pocketing the Queen, you get 3 points!
    •  For Winning a Game, you get 3 points!
    •  If you pocket the striker, you get -1 point (this is achieved by putting one of your color pieces back on the board at the center or touching or on the top of the existing piece on the center). The placement is chosen by your opponent.
  6. Fouls:
    Your move will end on Foul ....... below are the cases for a foul:
    • When striker is pocketed
    • A Striker or any other piece leaves the board
    • A Player pockets the final piece of their own before Queen is pocketed. (This is GAME over Case)
    • Breaking any of the striking rules

Carrom Tournament Format:

  1. 5 Rounds
  2. Winners will be decided based on the TOTAL number of points you gained AFTER all the rounds
  3. Participants will be PAIRED based on your current standings!