Radha Krishna Temple’s Fancy Dress Competition during the 2019 Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations brought the life and times of Shri Krishna to life in full vibrant color and animation in Allen, TX. Over 300 youth from all over the Dallas-Fort Worth area came dressed up as Krishna, Radha, Gopa, Gopi or Brajwasi. The sight of so many Radhas, Krishnas and their consorts only multiplied the joy and exuberance of the auspicious celebrations.
Kudos to all the youngsters and especially their creative and imaginative parents who meticulously arranged for all the beautiful and colorful fancy dress, ornate accessories, and special make-up. What a treasured and precious opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of Brajwasi! The auspicious chance to play the role of Shri Krishna or one of his close associate will remain a cherished memory.
Hundreds of participants in beautiful creative fancy dress made it difficult for the judges to select the winners. Let us congratulate all of the participants for their efforts! Winning contestants received a prize from Radha Krishna Temple.
And now for the results…..drum roll please…. the winners are……listed by their registered number below. Bring back to life the special blissful memories of our most jubilant Janmashtami Celebrations by visiting Radha Krishna Temple’s 2019 Krishna Janmashtami Fancy Dress Competition Photo Gallery below where we have captured glimpese of many of the beautiful 2019 Krishna Janmashtami Fancy Dress contestants.
Overall Winners: (by age category)
Under 1 Yr. – 008/009
1 to 3 yrs – 040
3 to 5 yrs – 036
5 yr & above – 043
Best Costume: 030, 117, 025, 090, 044, 086, 126, 118, 102, 042, 290, 111
Best Concept: 083, 082
Best Recitation: 260, 142, 079, 150, 138, 139
Best Expression: 110, 290, 146, 012, 049, 066, 055, 072