

149 posts
When Bondage Becomes Blissful

When Bondage Becomes Blissful

The Shreemad Bhaghavatham describes in detail, the saulabhya or the ease with which Lord Shree Krishna makes Himself available to all. Although the Lord takes various forms, it is through His sweet forms as Shree Radha Krishna and their divine pastimes that He becomes readily accessible to all. The Lord’...

From Confusion to Clarity

From Confusion to Clarity

The beauty of Shree Radha Krishna is said to be such that, even gyanis and paramahamsas abandon their obsession for remaining absorbed in meditation on the impersonal  Brahman, and assume the form of trees to witness their divine beauty. Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj describes their divine beauty through his divine...

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