

149 posts
RKT Construction Progress Oct 2016

RKT Construction Progress Oct 2016

The Radha Krishna Temple is designed to be a tall structure just a few inches shy of 69 feet in height. At this height it will be among the tallest buildings in Allen and will stand out for miles around. The temple will only have 2 stories of useable space....

The Journey to the Ultimate Success

The Journey to the Ultimate Success

“The progressive realization of a worthy goal is success. Hence, enjoy the journey; do not develop a destination disease,” expounded Swami Mukundananda ji in the Life Transformation Program (LTP) 2016 – Grow from Within to Succeed in Life. It was a free, 7-day community program presented by the Radha Krishna Temple...

Youth Empower the Youth at the Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas

Youth Empower the Youth at the Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas

As a part of its well-rounded youth development programs, JKYog youth club, a branch of the Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas, held a Youth Empower Youth session at Davis library on 30 July 2016. The program was to help the middle and high school students and their parents understand the...

Colorful Impressions From 2015 Dallas Holi Hangama: First Dallas Festival of Colors at the New Hindu Temple Site in Allen TX

Colorful Impressions From 2015 Dallas Holi Hangama: First Dallas Festival of Colors at the New Hindu Temple Site in Allen TX

Colors mixed and blended together and left their joyful impressions on everyone’s faces and clothes. On the inside, Radha Krishna Temple volunteers left visitors and guests with colorful and blissful memories of Holi Hangama in their hearts.  “This was my first temple event, everybody was so warm and welcoming”...

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