The Bhagavad Gita is a timeless treasure chest of pricelsess gems! This divine masterpiece literary jewel and treasure trove of knowledge spoken and authored by Shri Krishna Himself thousands of years ago lives on as an eternally living embodiment of the Lord and his eternal wisdom. Each verse contains its own unique wisdom yet in its entirety we can begin to see the whole divine form that the Gita embodies. Like the Lord Himself, the Gita’s depth and breadth are immeasurable. Just one shloka can open the doors to the depth and dimension of the spiritual knowledge in the art of living and finding true happiness.
Temple Celebrates the Priceless Treasures of Bhagavad Gita
Radha Krishna Temple celebrated Gita Jayanti, honoring the treasure chest of priceless gems of the Bhagavad Gita, with special events that took place over the course of 2 days. In reverence the temple made a special beautifully decorated altar for the Gita in its various forms, including Arjun and Krishna on the battlefield.
On both days of celebrations, visitors gathered to chant its poetic verses and participate in the Krishna puja. On Saturday evening, December 2nd, the temple also hosted members of the Sri Tara Ma Mission who beautifully led the chanting of all 700 shlokas and shared some of the significance of the Gita. The celebrations ended with a special Mahaprasad where some continued with discussions of the Gita.
Many youth participated in competitions for shloka recitation and essays. These children explored the treasure trove of the Gita and shared their discoveries. To see the youth aspiring to grasp the wisdom in their own words inspired even the adults.
Do you wish to explore the Gita further?
The temple offers many ways to explore and discover the treasure trove of wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita:
*Starting January 6th, at 11:30am, Bhagavad Gita Study Circle will take place at Radha Krishna Temple. Participants spend an hour in a facilitated group learning forum at the temple where they will read from the Gita together and share their inspirations;
*You can find hardback copies of the Holy Bhagavad Gita, as well as lecture series on the Gita (Bhagavad Gita for Everyday Living) in the gift shop; and
*For those who would like to explore the Gita on-line, you can find the Gita in its entirety at http://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org , where you can also subscribe to the inspirational daily verse of the day by email.
Let us make every day a celebration of the Bhagavad Gita! May we never lose our appreciation and gratitude for the invaluable gifts that Shri Krishna Himself bestowed to us in His Divine Gita.