Life is a journey filled with countless choices, opportunities, and distractions. Most of us spend our days chasing goals that promise happiness, success, and contentment, only to feel unfulfiled when we achieve them. Why is it that no matter how much we accomplish, joy seems to slip through our fingers?

Swami Mukundananda, in his profound discourse based on the Chapter 2, Verse 50-53 in the Bhagavad Gita, reveals the answer: we are chasing the wrong goals. The Bhagavad Gita, a timeless spiritual scripture, provides a roadmap for redirecting our lives toward a higher purpose. It teaches us to break free from the illusions of the material world, understand the true nature of happiness, and connect with the eternal source of bliss, God.

The Trap of Material Desires

Swami Mukundananda begins by addressing a universal struggle: the endless pursuit of material desires. Whether it’s wealth, fame, relationships, or status, we are constantly seeking something, believing it will bring us happiness. However, as soon as we achieve one goal, another desire takes its place. This cycle of wanting and achieving, only to feel dissatisfied, keeps us trapped in a loop of frustration.

The Mirage of Happiness

A clerk worries over his scooter, an officer feels burdened by his car, and a millionaire loses sleep in luxury—each showing that material success can’t bring true peace.

The problem lies in our belief that happiness can be found in external things. Swami Ji shares relatable examples to illustrate this:

  • A clerk dreams of owning a scooter, believing it will make his life easier. But when he buys it, the joy is short-lived. Soon, he worries about fuel costs, repairs, and upgrades.
  • A senior officer aspires to own a car. When he achieves his goal, he realizes it brings more problems, from high maintenance costs to traffic woes.
  • A millionaire struggles with insomnia despite his wealth, while a labourer sleeps soundly on the footpath.

These examples highlight a fundamental truth: material possessions may provide temporary comfort but can never deliver lasting joy.

Material desires also distract us from recognizing the true purpose of life. Instead of focusing on inner growth, we expend our energy chasing external rewards that ultimately leave us feeling empty. This cycle of dissatisfaction can continue indefinitely unless we choose to break them.

The Never-Ending Cycle of Desire

A student chasing exam success, a professional striving for promotions, and a parent dreaming of their child's bright future, each pursuing happiness in their stage of life

Swami Mukundananda explains how Maya, the illusory energy of the material world, perpetuates this cycle. At every stage of life, we believe the next achievement will bring fulfilment:

  • A student thinks passing exams will make them happy.
  • A professional aspires to promotions and raises.
  • A parent dreams of securing a bright future for their children.

But no matter how much we achieve, the sense of contentment remains elusive. The Bhagavad Gita warns us about this endless chase, urging us to turn inward and seek higher truths.

Even when we achieve material success, we often feel the need to compare ourselves with others. This constant comparison feeds our insecurities and keeps us trapped in a race with no finish line. Recognizing this pattern is the first step toward material desires.

Understanding Maya: The Great Illusion

Maya: The illusion that deceives us into seeking happiness in the material world, much like a mirage in the desert—always enticing, yet never truly satisfying.

Maya, derived from the Sanskrit words “Ma” (not) and “Ya” (what is), means “not what it seems.” It is the force that creates the illusion of happiness in the material world. Swami Mukundananda compares Maya to a mirage in the desert. Just as a thirsty deer runs toward the illusion of water, only to find sand, we chase material goals that never truly satisfy us.

How Maya Affects Us

  1. It Distracts Us: Maya keeps us focused on external achievements rather than internal growth.
  2. It Creates Attachment: We become emotionally tied to our possessions and goals, fearing their loss.
  3. It Clouds Our Judgment: We fail to see the transient nature of material joys, mistaking them for permanent sources of happiness.

Maya not only affects our desires but also influences our relationships and decisions. We often cling to people and situations, fearing change, because Maya convinces us that our happiness depends on them. However, understanding that everything in the material world is temporary allows us to experience freedom and peace.

Why Are We Always Discontent?

Seeking under the light what was lost in the dark—a timeless reminder that true answers often lie where we fear to look.

One of the most profound lessons of the Bhagavad Gita is that happiness is an internal state, not a result of external circumstances. Swami Mukundananda recounts the story of Rabia Basri, a Sufi saint, to explain this concept. When Rabia lost her needle, she began searching for it under a streetlight instead of her dark room where it was lost. When asked why she is searching there, she replied, “Because there is light.”

This metaphor reflects how we search for happiness in visible and tangible things like wealth, relationships, and fame, even though true joy lies within. The Bhagavad Gita urges us to turn inward and connect with our divine nature to find lasting fulfilment.

Discontent often arises because we tie our happiness to external validation. We seek approval from others, whether through social media likes or career accolades, forgetting that true contentment comes from self-acceptance and divine connection.

How to Set the Right Goal

Swami Mukundananda emphasizes the importance of setting the right goal in life. Instead of chasing temporary pleasures, we should strive for eternal happiness by:

  1. Identifying Illusions: Reflect on areas where Maya has misled you.
  2. Practicing Detachment: View material possessions as tools, not ends.
  3. Cultivating Devotion: Engage in spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and selfless service.
  4. Seeking Divine Guidance: Study scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita to deepen your understanding.

Setting the right goal requires clarity, commitment, and courage. It involves stepping away from societal norms and expectations to follow a path that aligns with our inner calling.

Conclusion: Choose the Right Goal

Life is too precious to waste chasing illusions. Every moment we spend pursuing material desires is a moment lost in the quest for true fulfilment. The Bhagavad Gita, through its timeless wisdom, reminds us of the futility of temporary pleasures and the boundless joy that awaits us when we align our lives with the eternal.

Swami Mukundananda’s teachings illuminate the path forward, helping us understand the importance of setting the right goals. These are not the goals that society dictates or Maya tempts us to pursue but the higher goals that bring lasting happiness, peace, and purpose. By redirecting our focus from external achievements to inner growth, we can break free from the shackles of Maya and experience the bliss of divine connection.

Call to Action

Are you ready to transform your life and discover the eternal bliss that comes from connecting with God? Begin your journey today by subscribing to Swami Mukundananda’s YouTube Channel. Gain access to profound insights from the Bhagavad Gita, practical tools for spiritual growth, and inspiring teachings that will guide you toward a life of purpose and joy.

Take the first step now—your path to true happiness awaits!

This expanded conclusion ties together the blog’s key themes while motivating readers to take meaningful action. It now offers more depth and reflection, emphasizing the significance of choosing the right path in life.
