2024 Challenge - Get Closer to God

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Get Closer to God: 21-Day Challenge

Discover the Joy of Divine Love in 2024



Love is the most powerful force in all creation—it adds purpose to action, meaning to life, and joy to the soul. It enslaves even God, who becomes the servant of one who possesses selfless love. We desire love more than material fulfillment or liberation. Having attained divine love, we become completely satisfied, hankering for nothing thereafter. Loving the Lord for love’s sake gives the greatest joy. JKYog and Swami Mukundananda thus present a humble offering via the Radha Krishna Bhakti App, to inspire millions to Discover the Joy of Divine Love—a 21 Day Challenge to Get Closer to God through love.



Why You Should Do This Challenge

The bliss of Bhakti - loving service to the personal form of God is the highest happiness we can experience. God is attained through love or Bhakti alone. He cares nothing for austerities, mantras, and
Vedic rituals. Cultivating love for God is the purpose of all the Vedic scriptures. The world worships God to fulfill their desires, but God worships His selfless devotees, deriving intense joy from them.
Expressing the superiority of the path of Bhakti Yog over the path of Karm (the path of Vedic rituals) and Gyan (the path of knowledge), Shree Maharajji stated:

nahin jaata samadhin jogin jei, naachat ta thei thei ta thei thei, braja naarin ki taarin ki taar prema ke bandhan mein
albelo hamaaro yaar prema ke bandhan mein

“That Lord who does not grace the divine samadhi of the greatest yogis with His vision, is dancing
vigorously to the joyous claps of the humble gopis of Braj, for a bit of buttermilk, bound by their selfless
love. Strangely, does our beloved Shri Krishna behave, enslaved by love.”

—Jagadguruttam Shri Kripaluji Maharaj.

Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide to the Challenge:

  1. Install and Onboard: Start by installing the Radha Krishna Bhakti app. Follow the onboarding flow to familiarize yourself with the app, leading you to the homepage.
  2. Join the Challenge: On the homepage, find the Challenge section and click the “Join Challenge” button.
  3. Daily Challenge Overview: You’ll see a list of all the available challenge days. Click on “Get Closer to God Day 1” to view the first day’s tasks.
  4. Engage in Daily Activities: Each day, you’ll have 3-4 tasks like watching Swamiji’s video lectures, participating in meditation, or sharing the app with friends.
  5. Task Completion: After engaging with each task, use the back arrow to return to the Challenge Day page to proceed with other tasks.
  6. Marking the Day Complete: Once all tasks for the day are done, click the “Mark as Done” button.
  7. Track Your Progress: After marking the day complete, return to the all days list to see your progress, with completed days being greyed out.
  8. Continue the Journey: Come back the next day for new tasks and repeat the process from Step 2 to 6.

Get Started Now:

Download the app and immerse yourself in this enriching 21-day spiritual journey.

Watch the Flow: For a clearer understanding, watch this quick video guide

This challenge is not just about completing tasks; it's a journey towards spiritual enrichment and personal growth. We encourage you to take this step towards a deeper connection with your inner self and the divine. Let us join the Journey!