Save the date for the best way to clarify your doubts!
Radha Krishna Temple is excited to host the Consular Camp for the first time with the help of the Consulate General India, Houston. All who have registered, please know that the Consular Camp is Document Verification only. After the Consul stamps “OK”, you will need to send the application to CKG. The verification process will aid in expediting the CKG’S process. No Passport Renewal, Visa to India or OCI/PIO is issued on the spot. We will need your support to have the best Camp. Please follow the following to make it easy for you that day.
Let’s have a very successful Consular Camp. Thanks a lot and see you on November 12th 6:00 PM.
The registration for the consular camp scheduled to be held at Radha Krishna Temple, Allen, Texas on Saturday, November 12, 2022. Please note that all the slots are filled at this time.